Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How Did I Get Here? - I Actually Know the Answer

This is my first post and hopefully I will have many more to come. I am a bit nervous since I am the type of person to try diet/fitness programs continually only to give them up within a few weeks. I am hoping that this blog will help me stay accountable.

I am a SAHM who loves her job. Prior to being a mother, I was a fit active person and always considered myself athletic. Over the course of raising my children, I have become a spectator and no longer the athlete I once was. Putting my family first, I forgot to take care of myself. This is my journey to find that active person that I once was - the good, the bad and of course the ugly.

This picture isn't of me, but it looks pretty much like me. No, I am not morbidly obese, but I am not as healthy as I should be. I know I am blessed to have the family and life that I have, but I also know I need to make a change - not only for my family, but for myself. I have a family history of heart disease and I have the proverbial apple body shape with all the fat around my middle. I need to lose this fat for my health, for my sanity and honestly for my vanity. I am tired of looking like a pudge and I really want to continue to stay an active person as I age.  I have found it hard to find clothes that are cute and don't make me look like a blob. I know my aerobic fitness is next to nil, I can barely run ... BUT I am going to change that.

How I got Here

I do not think outrageous eating habits put my in my current position. I think it was the lack of focus on what I put in my body and my sedentary lifestyle.  I spent the last few years literally on my booty driving kids around the majority of the day, folding laundry, cleaning house or crafting in my closet - most of which were sitting activities.  I didn't overeat, but I never denied myself something that looked good - and of course I like to drink wine- I REALLY like to drink wine.

Where I am going

I actually started on this journey about 3 weeks ago. I started using the Vemma Bod-e plan to re-learn how to eat and I am tracking my food and exercise with My Fitness Pal. (I will be posting about these 2 tools in the next few days.) Over our vacation in Mammoth, I started to become more active. I completed a 10 and 15 mile hike, mountain biked and played golf. I even attended the June Lake Triathlon and was encouraged to enter the Seal Beach Triathlon in October ( ACK! Very Scary).  As I said before, I am nervous about quitting but hope this blog helps me stay accountable. I really need to get moving to get in shape for the Triathlon

I don't necessarily have a specific weight in mind, but know how I want to feel and look. I have already made some progress in the past 3 weeks, even though the scale hasn't budged much, my family and a few friends have noticed a difference and my clothes fit better. I have some before pics and will post them when I finally have an after. It's too hard for me now to show them, but I will do it.

I will be sharing the following in my future posts..

- My triathlon training experience
- Vemma Bod-e experience
- My Fitness Pal
- Run!, Zombies training App experience
- Overall Successes and Failures

I hope you will join me on my journey to find fit.

1 comment:

  1. OK, so maybe you will help keep me accountable! I'm the body type and pudgy in the middle. I have the same frustrations (clothes-wise). I can say though, although it's very slow progress, I've been hitting the gym 5 days a week since October and have seen some changes in my body. Not on the scale, but in my clothes. I guess that's where it counts. What I found I wasn't doing enough of was drinking water. I always thought I had enough until I ramped it up and doubled my intake. I lost 10-12 lbs in 2 weeks. I drink 120 oz a day and that's been my focus for the last month or so to try and make it a habit. It's actually not been too bad. Food is my enemy. That's the hardest to give up. I'm good for a couple of weeks and then I regress. So, I'd love to hear any of the changes you make as you go along. Good luck my friend! Can't wait to see your journey to better health!
